Welcome to U-TECK’s Safety Tips section of our web site. Our mission is to source the best safety information and share it with all of our U-TECK family. Please let us know if you have any general safety tips that could be useful to others. As with our Teck Tips, we will keep an archive so that you can go back and reference them whenever you need.
All Our Best, U-TECK
Safety Tip #12 Take Care of Your Back
Statistics show that about 80% of Americans will suffer some sort of a back injury either on or off the job during their lifetime, and many of these injuries will require medical attention. Chronic back pain also causes millions of people to suffer varying degrees of discomfort, ranging from “nagging” minor discomfort to extreme pain. In more severe cases back injuries can even result in disability and loss of work, both short and long term.
Back injuries can be suffered by office workers just as easily as more physically demanding work, and once you suffer a back injury, you are more likely to suffer another one in the future. OSHA, in fact, considers injuries to the back as one of our major workplace safety problems, and the medical costs associated with on the job back injuries are staggering.
For the full article click here!
Safety Tip # 1: Telecommunications Manhole Gas Testing Requirements
Safety Tip # 2: Electrical Power Tool Safety
Safety Tip # 3: Intrinsic Safety & Equipment Used In Potentially Hazardous Areas
Safety Tip # 4: Defensive Driving Tips
Safety Tip # 5: Lifting & Carrying Safety
Safety Tip # 6: Common Manhole Hazards
Safety Tip # 7: Nature’s Field Hazards – Poisonous Plants
Safety Tip # 8: Nature’s Field Hazards – Imported Fire Ants
Safety Tip # 9: Nature’s Field Hazards – Ticks and the Diseases They Spread
Safety Tip # 10: Nature’s Field Hazards – The Hazards of Heat Stress
Safety Tip # 11: Nature’s Field Hazards – Hurricanes and Emergency Preparedness