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The following is an excerpt from the OSHA Safety & Health Information Bulletin (SHIB 05-04-2004) entitled “Verification of Calibration For Direct-Reading Portable Gas Monitors”:
“Gas monitoring instruments are designed to protect personnel from unseen hazards that may exist in workplace environments, including confined spaces. It is vital to worker safety that these instruments are maintained and calibrated properly.
Instrument inaccuracy due to improper or irregular calibration can lead to serious accidents. Exposure to excessive levels of toxic gas or an oxygen-deficient environment can cause workers serious illness and even death. Combustible gas explosions are often catastrophic, injuring or killing personnel and destroying property.
The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA), founded in 1933, is a trade association for manufacturers of protective equipment, including environmental monitoring instruments. The ISEA recommends, at a minimum, verification of sensor accuracy before each day’s use.
The only way to guarantee that an instrument will detect gas accurately and reliably is to test it with a known concentration of gas. Exposing the instrument to a known concentration of test gas will show whether the sensors respond accurately and whether the instrument alarms function properly”.
NOTE: There is also a link to this OSHA document in its entirety from the “links” section of the U-TECK “Information Board” on our home page.
Although this bulletin recommends, at a minimum , verification of sensor accuracy before each day’s use, we at U-TECK strongly advocate that you always “quick check” your gas detector or continuous monitor immediately before use each, and at every work site.
We understand that your company practice may require you to test your equipment at the beginning of each shift at the work center to verify that it is working properly before you get out to the field. While this is fine, just remember that anything can happen to your equipment on route to your first job, or from job to job during the day. That is why we feel that it is important to verify that your equipment is working properly each time before you use it.
This is also why as part of our safety commitment to you, that we provide easy to use “Quick Check Kits” for all of our gas detection and monitoring equipment. If you ever have a problem “quick checking” your gas detector or continuous gas monitor, please contact us at 1-800-542-7011. On-site training is also available for your group of workers.
Remember, it only takes a second for an accident to happen. Don’t take short cuts that could come back to haunt you later.